Hye readers...lame x update blog ni sbb super bz lately...almost every weekend ade je wedding kene attend...huhu.....ramai yg dah sampai seru nk tamatkn zaman single mingle masing2 la tu…Alhamdulillah…welcome to da club to my frens yg dh slamat jd husband/wife to your partner…hihihi…
Yeay…this Saturday dah fly to Seoul…finally…duit sume dah tukar…hmm, tukar beriban tp dpt x de la byk mane pn…hoho…hopefully cukup la nk spend kat sane nnt..al-maklum la sume brg2 mahal kat sane…huhuhu…nmpknye kene la tahan lbh kurg 6 jam dlm flight…b’harap badan ni x de la letih sgt…hehehe…itinerary dah discuss ngan hubby, my mum follow je…hahaha…hopefully dpt la visit all places yg kitorg dah plan tu…kekeke…k la, since title pn Quick Update kn, harus la pendek aje…u guys doakan aku & family slamat pegi & balik k…nnt tunggu la entry yg pnjg lebar pasal Korea hoke…

wahhh..sis yana sekarang tgh menghitung hari la ye..xlama lg dah tu..semoga perjalanan akan dilindungiNya..semoga selamat pergi dan pulang..amin.. =)
ReplyDeletep/s= sis yana,jgn lupa holika holika saya hehehe
insyaAllah....kalo jumpe beli k...ape2 nnt upadte bile dah blk cni k...hehehe....