hhhmmm....nicely wrapped
Posto...posto....sampai dh my drugstore items ni...ponat den tunggu...ade la dekat 1 month cenggitu...actually aku ade rembat 4 units of Maybelline Eyeshadow Quad from Drugstore US...bought from hubbyenny...each around RM29...ikutkn agak mahal for 4 color eyeshadow kn...tp akibat nafsu p'boros aku yg x dpt d'control lg aku rembat gak la...muahahahaha....
tadaaa....my Maybelline Quads...
ok, of of 4 aku ade rembat 3 Maybelline Stylish Smokes Quad...aku tgk review for this product sgt best...tu yg x tahan nk rembat gak..kekekek...and yes, bile dh try tu mmg not bad the colors..lg cun b4 tepek tu apply dulu UDPP...lg cun & tahan lame color tu...and also kat each color ade tulis kat mane sesuai nk tepek color2 tu...ade tulis 'Brow Bone', 'Lid', 'Outer Coner' & 'Crease'..so, sgt sng for those yg baru2 nk mekap tu...hehehe...u all bleh tgk kat bawah ni which color tone yg aku dh rembat...
Emerald Green
Natural Smokes
Charcoal Smokes
lg 1 plak aku pilih Maybelline Chai Latte Quad..mmg sesuai sgt to those yg suke ngan ngan natural color..bleh pakai anytime...nk g ofis pn mmg sesuai sgt....quality lbh kurg ngan Stylish Smokes Quad tu...cun gak...ok la for Maybelline punye standard kn...kat M'sia Eyeshadow Quad ni nan ado...hmm...sume yg cun2 x de kat cni...nape ek...huhu....
Chai Latte
FYI, ni pn ade lg brg2 aku yg belum sampai...bile la nk stop m'beli ni x tau la...my dressing table, makeup box pn dh t'amat penuh...x muat dah weh...xpe, nnt pindah umah akan ku gigih m'organize sume tu blk...muahahaha.....