sure ade yg t'tanye mane ek aku rembat sume bende alah ni...x pnh plak nmpk kat mane2 jual dlm M'sia usual, semestinye la aku rembat from, kn aku dh kate kalo mengidam items from other country try search kat sane...insyaAllah ade hok ni aku beli yg ready stock punye...each item Rm10 only..murah2..brg, aku rembet sume ni from xuanyeow since she's one of the seller yg byk ready stock the price a bit high lar compared ngan pre-order...kalo rase nk pakai cpt or x sbr nk tgu blh la buy from her...ok lar service cumenye she now kat s'pore, so weekend je die blk m'sia nk post sume brg2 tu...
if u all singgah official website ELF, u all blh tau actual price yg dorg sell kat sane...murah bangat!!! most of the items harge around $1-$5 je...rasenye mmg brand ni cam standard silkygirl kat cni la..murah tp not bad...aku x sempat la lg nk try sume produk tp so far ade 1,2 ok lar..cume ade certain lipgloss yg aku x brape suke bau pelik hantam saja lar..ater brg murah kn...kekekek
uiks, prasan x aku ade beli 2 for concealer & another one for bronzing/blending brush for face...both pun rm10 each...ok lar....saje je menambah koleksi wlpn dh masuk 2 brush holder dlm makeup box aku pn aku baru submit order for pre-order..aku beli from studio & mineral collection...kite try tgk mane yg best...hehehe..kalo free aku akn try review ape yg dah aku rembat ni the moment mood nk review x dtg lg..huhu...k la, selipi dh ni...nk titun dulu...esok nk kijer...boring~~
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