start next week aku dah kene move sume my thgs ke cubicle laen...ish...leceh la nk kene pindah randah nih...nk wat camne dh dorg sume nk re-arrange blk..syg la nk tglkn my cubicle ni....byk gak la kenangan kat cni..this is my 1st own cubicle since msk SHELL tau...pas 3 bulan merempat je tmpt org baru la dpt my own cubicle...wlpn location x brape menarik cuz dpn skali & opposite yun kee's place tp ok gak least i've got my own place yg blh nk sepah2kn...huhu....
actually photos ni amek mase my PC wat hal..same day yg nk pegi Indon aku ade mention in my previous, ttp pc ni & merempat tmpt jenal kat seblah...see, sepah kn my place..ntah ape2 bende yg b'tampal tu..konon2 utk my reference saje nk wat nmpk cam bz worker...weekkkk...hahahaha......after this my cubicle will be CF HotDesk plak..x de sape2 duduk..jadi tmpt org merempat plak la...kesian dier...k la...babai...uwwa~~~emo x tentu pasal plak...
muke busan kat opis...time nih tgh tgu time balik..nk fly to Indon...weehooo!!!
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