Ngee...beg gedik lagi...baru je sampai smlm...beli kat mane??? of coz la online...kekeke...lately mmg x jln2 shopping kat luar sgt rasenye online shopping ni lg dangerous..tgk sume nak..giler btul....sbb ape jd cenggitu??? sbb sume murah2...brg baek...brg baek...hehehe....2 beg ni aku rembat kat Agape Boutique as usual....x t'kire betape byknye aku dh beli kat dorg nih..for 2 beg tu aku spent about, x sampai kot...murah je kn....camne aku x giler nk beli...huhu....this week mmg shopping for me & my sis lar...hari2 ade org antar brg...we all mmg dh nk jd hardcore online shopper dh ni...muahaha....
based on aku punye experience la kn, nk shopping online ni u all kene yaken...pastu jgn ade high expectation ngan brg2 yg u all nk order sbb kite x nmpk & rase brg2 tu, gamble je la...sumtimes dpt exactly cam dlm gmbr, sumtimes mmg lari..alaaa, bukan lari ape, warne or ukuran je la yg lari far, ape yg aku order sume dpt in good, kire success la, to u all yg baru nk b'jinak tu dialu kn la...enjoice~~~
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
# Oh my makeup palette~~
Yezzaa....sampai gak 72 eyeshadow + 6 blusher palette akak ni....weehoo...baru je sampai tgh hari td...agak2 u all yg suke mekap cam aku ni t'uje x nengok..muahahaha.....the price???? ssshhhh...rahsia..hehehe....aku beli kat missha08 @ ok la tu kn...ade aku nengok org jual smpi 100 hengget hoke...giler nk untung lebih...padahal dorg dpt from supplier brape je agaknye...huhu.....kalo en.Tunang nengok sure die akan kat DUNIAWI...ikut suke aku la...janji puas ati ku ini...wah....kekekeke...
nk torai dh mlm...x kn aku nk b'mekap mlm2 bute ni...ish, maleh ler teman....esok2 je ek...tomorrow never td aku ade la try maen calit2 kat tgn. ok la..bleh tahan...well, what u expect ngan brg yg murah, sape2 yg interested bleh la u all cari k...kalo jumpe yg lg murah sila inform aku....sure aku makan ati...miahhaaha...yg 180 palette eyeshadow yg aku share ngan kakak tu ape citer??? heheh..aku kn suke ngumpul & boros duit tu kn was my no.1 hobby...hahahaha....
Sunday, September 27, 2009
# 72 Eyeshadow + 6 Blusher Palette

Saye mau ini palette!!!!! lamenye tunggu this one seller restock blk bende alah ni...finally ade gak...saje2 la aku masuk tgk2 kalo ade new update kn...yezzzaaa....mmg ader...this pallette dh ade stok!!! ape lg, aku pn email la seller ni tanye kn...harus la pantascuz aku tgk ramai dok tanye psl bende alah ni...esok kene kobar kn kat my sis..kekekeke..dh lame plak rase x beli mekap....skang nk m'gila blk la...muahahhaa......hopefully stok still available...x mahal pn...dlm 60 hengget only blh dpt byk color....biase la i, bab2 boros ni sila serahkn to me...wakakaka.....nnt kalo b'jaye rembat palette ni harusla aku review kat cni hoke...k la, dh ngantuk ni...pukul 2 sudah...nnt tdo lmbt2 tumbuh plak jerawat lg 1..tensi!!! da~~
# Nabil pun nak mekap gak...
Tgk la budak kecik ni...sibok je time org nk touch up...die pn sibok nak touch up gak...biase la budak kecik mmg suke tiru ape yg org besar wat...kalo ibu chu die ni belek muke kat cermin die pun nak follow gak...seb baek la ko boy nabil...kalo x, mmg la ibu chu ko ni mekap kn muke ko skali...miahahaha....agaknye kalo tgk ibu chu die ni pakai liptik sure die pun nak gak...ish3...nnt krisis idetiti haru jdnye....kekekeke.....
# Rumah baru saye...
Ini rumah baru saye...ibu saye yg beli kat Tesco...murah aje...32 hengget ajer...hehehe... skang saye dh ade umah sndr...jgn jeles u...sape2 yg dtg beraye kat umah saye ni blh la anytime....umah t'buke sentiase ye..kekeke...wlpn umah saye ni x la besar, perabut pn illek pocik tp jgn segan2 la nk melawat saye kat cni ye..Slamat Hari Raye sume~~~
Friday, September 25, 2009
# Discussion lg...
Discussion apakah???? of cuz la discussion pslmy wedding yg x brape nk lame lg nih...kekeke....kejap je mase b'lalu...2day his parents dtg umah for beraya+discussion bout our wedding la...since his parents dok jauh atas Cameron, tu yg agak payah nk kumpul b'diskusi psl hal ni...dh t'lanjur lebaran yg mulia ni..waahhhh....dorg pn amek kesempatan la turun KL beraya kat mi casa tu....byknye hal walhal yg nk kene settlekn b4 kawen ni ek...huhu....mmg bukan sonang...huhu....lebih kurg 5 bulan je until our nikah day....heheh....excited+nervous gak nih...biase la tu, sume org pn akn rase camtu....except yg kawen koboi tu x ketahuan la plak kn....kuikukui....
macam2 la org2 tua ni b'discuss...aku & en.tunang dgr je la...ikut je la dorg nk camne pn...bedal je la labu...kekeke....hantaran kasi up ckit...dh lebih dulang dr plan awal2 dulu...x kesah la, bukan nk kene tmbh brg lg pun...tmbh dulang je...pandai2 la my mum nk decide letak ape atas dulang tu...janji ado...hehehehe.....kdg2 rase cam budak2 je lg, tp dh nk kawen rupenye...sila sedar diri ye miss Yana oi~~~kekeke....duit pn dh t'byg2 byknye nk melayang nih...ater skali seumur hidup kn...harusla teman spend semampu yg blh....hihihi.....senarai sahabat handai, sedara mara, sepupu sepapat, jiran tetangga & segala tok nenek haruslah disiapkn dlm mase t'dekat ni..mane la tau tibe2 x cukup kn haru hijau....kekeke....x pe, slow2 la..nnt byk pk lg pening...rilek ar, 5 bulan je lg...tibe2 esok bgn dh tgl sehari...haruslah kalut malut aku...huhu....
neway, ape2 pn hopefully sume b'jln according to plan la...hope sumenye t'atur...sponsor2 yg mane b'minat nk sponsor aku bleh la calling2 ek...perasan nk mampos cam ade org nk sponsor je...poket sndr sponsor ade la kot....x pe la,berangan jap...kekeke....
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
# Jalan2 @ Mines
Yeah...update marathon...ngeee....tibe2 t'rajen plak nk m'update blog maklum la cuti2 kn...byk la mase ckit nk update...kalo x, kim slm...kalo aku on lappy pas blk keje alamat tdo lewat la jwbnye...hehehe....hoke, 2day aku jln2 kat mines plak wif my sis & her bro in law nk g btul kn hp die..sambil2 tu kitorg ronda2 la kat sane, bwk budak kecik jln2 skali...saje je buang mase & duit...kekeke...kat mines x de ape la sgt pun...saje nk cuci mate mum x follow cuz die dh start keje...aku je mls, amek cuti lebih2 sis je yg shopping beli baby nabil punye tights & baju tido...kitorg lunch kat JJ equine je sbb cam bosan plak nk mkn kat mines..k la, korg tgk je la picas kat bawah ni hoke...
# New lappy for budak kecik
Wahhh...kecik2 dh pakai lappy..x la, ni ibu die beli budak2 punye version....ala, yg utk learning tu...yg die tau on off je...yg laen ngak tau...ketuk2 bende alah tu ader la...kekeke...murahnye omak die belikn...x silap ari RM35 only kat JJ AU2 Keramat tu....heheh.....jln2 pastu t'nmpk plak bende alah ni....mase jln2 kat JJ pas beli tu budak kecil bawak sndr hoke....x bg org pegangkn...budak2 laen yg tgk die bawak mkn ati je...wakakaka....for u all punye info, bende alah ni ade skali ngan mouse tau....wah2...terbaek...mmg cam lappy btul...dah pasni sila jgn kaco ibu chu punye lappy lg hoke wahai budak kecik!!! jgn disturb ibu chu nk m'blog or surfing hoke...kekeke....
# Melantak dim sum wif family
mmg puas ati giler la melantak aritu...mmg suggested sgt2 kat sape2 yg torai mkn or mmg suke mkn dim sum...harge pn x mahal sgt, choices pn byk, sodap plak tu...hihihi....thanks to my sis 4 blanje we all 1 family mkn...esok2 blh blanje lg ek...kekekeke....
# Family,
#Baby Nabil,
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
# Gaya Tido Sexy la gaya tido sexy budak kecik...die tido sndr cenggitu...time tu we all dh nk kuar g melantak dim sum kat Quality Hotel sbnrnye...nx post aku story ek....sempat snap pic die tido gaya camni...sure die dh besor nnt gelak tgk dr sndr...kekekeke...jap lg aku smbg ngan entry we all g melantak dim sum plak hoke...da~~~
Sunday, September 20, 2009
# Aktiviti 1 Syawal
Kejap je rase 1 Syawal m'jelang lg....pejam celik dh sebulan puase kn...kejap ttp x dpt puase penuh gak...dh name pn prempuan...mmg payah la nk dpt puase penuh kn...x pe, ganti la nnt...dis year cam x excited lgsg nk raye pn...even baju raye pn illek pocik....huhu...budget lari lor...nk kene service keter lg, pastu battery keter pn kong gak...terbaek kn...sobar je la aku ni haa...seb baek b'jaye pau 200 hengget dr En.Mazlan..miahahaha....dis year gak my sis beraye kat kmpg laki tgl aku ngan ibu kat umah je...huhu.....
Hari m'jelang raya cam biase harus la ade aktvt masak tahun2 lps gak aku punye tugas potong memotong la...nk wat camne, tu je yg mampu...kekekeke....dr pg smpi tgh hari gak la aku memotong ni...sampai lenguh tgn ni haa...kate jarang masuk dapur kn...harus la kejap je dh mum tu biase la, segala mak nenek die nk masak...dr ketupat, rendang, kuah kacang, sambal goreng sampai la sambal sotong...complete....ketupat my mum anyam sndr tau...sape kate kat bandar ni org beli siap je...ade gak la yg anyam kalo aku pn nnt beli siap je...bley....hahahaha....tgn ni idak ler pandai nk anyam2 ni...huhuhu....mlm plak standard la sume drama sodih2 je...wat la citer lawak every year pn sodih jer....huhu.... raya cam biase gak ikut ibu g semayang sunat aidilfitri ler....but dis year kat surau kat kaw. umah ni je...pastu dh beres semayang raya g upm plak ziarah kubur arwah opah...from kubur blk umah siap2 nk g umah k.rina plak...beraya kat sane...dis year en.Mazlan pn ade skali...dh lame rasenye x beraya wif En.Mazlan...huhu....tu je la yg laen ckit dis year....hepi gak la rase....huhu.....mlm plak ni la m'blog smbl tgk tv ntah filem ape...bukan layan sgt mum dh siap b'dengkur depan tv ni haa...huhu....k la, esk tgk ape plak aktvt ek....akhir kate....
# Twilight - New Moon
X sabarnye nk tengok movie nih....lambat lg lar...maybe bulan 11 baru tayang....oh Robbert Pettinson~~~~
New Moon starts at the Cullen's house on Bella Swan's eightenth birthday. As she opens a gift, the wrapping paper gives her a paper cut. Jasper, the newest vampire to take up the non-human diet leaps at her, and Edward jumps in between them to save her. He later decides to make a heart-wretching desicion to move away and leave Bella because he and his family are too dangerous for her. He lies to her and convinces her that he doesn't love her anymore. This destroys her. She lives her life for months without really living. She is in a "zombie-like" state because she just stayed in the house and didn't socialize. it is only until she goes to the movies to please her father Charlie that something happens. While walking around at night, she sees a group of drunken men. She walks up to them, remembering when Edward saved her from them. As she walks closer, she hears Edward's voice in her head telling her not to do anything stupid. She later discovers that whenever she does anything reckless or stupid she hears his voice subconsciously. When she drives down the street and sees two run-down motocycles, she automatically thinks of her Native-American friend Jacob Black to fix up the bikes. She though that would be the perfect stupid thing to do to hear Edward's voice again. She starts to get a life back while hanging out with Jake and doing dangerous things. Victoria comes back to Forks avenging her mate James things are only getting more dangerous for Bella, but she doesn't care. She is fed up and wants to do something so reckless and stupid to hear his voice for days. She jumps off a cliff, into a river because Jake said he would take her cliff diving. Victoria is in the river, and she almost drowns, but Jake saved her, because he is now a werewolf! Alice Cullen sees her jump off the cliff in a vision and thinks she is dead. She contacts Edward who is heart-broken. He rushes to Italy to the Volturi to be killed. But Alice and Bella fly to Italy and save him. Edward promises to never leave her again and to always look after her especially because of Victoria. So the Cullens move back in and order is restored.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
# Shopping online lg~~
Siyes....mmg x tahan nk shopping online je keje ni...this entry dedicated to my fren, Rufai...die yg nk sgt tgk hasil rembatan aku from online ni...kekeke....nah cik rufai, sila tgk gmbr2 kat bawah ni...hehehe....
sume item ni aku beli from my fren jolene yg wat online biz gak...kalo u all interested bleh la singgah kat My Wondermall...sume ni aku beli ngan harge RM100 for 3 pcs..b'baloi gak la...quality ok lar...lgpun support la member nk bisness kn...sumore aku pn senang gak x pyh kene charge fren jolene ni 1 department ngan die mmg blh tlg amekkn...dh order cpt gak dpt...dlm mase 1 week dh bleh dpt...gud service....hihi...
# Kenangan buke time kat JJ Bkt Raja...
Rindunye kenangan mase ni...time ni nk buke kat Bkt Raja ngan en. time tu still bf lg la...hehe...dulu mmg muke kitorg je la slalu ade kat sane...sampai cashier kat JJ Bkt Raja tu prasan..hahahaa....time ni mane ade budget nk mkn buffet ramadhan...huhu...mampu mkn kat food court camni je la...kdg2 kitorg beli kat bazar tp tetap mkn kat bkt raja ni gak...hahahaha....yg penting harus la buke b'2...rindunye time ni...wlpn ala kadar tp sht gumbira...rase nk blk ke zaman study dulu...x de bosan sgt cam dh keje skang...huhu...
en.Tunang mmg x suke kalo aku amek gmbr die ke..wat video camni ke...sure die x pandang punye...saje wat2 bz tgk hp la konon...hehe....sampai x m'hiraukn aku...huhu....padahal sbnrnye die dh x sbr2 nk buke tu...lmbt lg nk buke tp kuah haruslah letak siap2 kat nasi hoke...kekeke....uuwaaa~~sgt rindu time best kalo blh putar mase blk....huhu...
Monday, September 14, 2009
# Garnier Aqua Defense
Sunday, September 13, 2009
# Beg gedik aku~~
Help!!! aku dh x tahan ngan godaan online shopping ni....tgk sume bende yg jual online sume je aku b'kenan...giler lg ganas dr shopping kat luar...sume sbb b'jangkit ngan my sis...last week aku beli baju je dh dekat 200 hengget from my fren kat ofis yg wat online biz gak...adoyai...pokai akak camni....huhu....pastu tambah plak ngan beli beg online plak....beg yg dlm above photo ni aku rembat kat Agape Boutique. camne blh interested nk beli??? sbb beli 2 ready stock beg dpt free postage..muhahaha....dorg gune skynet nk pos beg, i guess mahal gak la...dlm 6 hengget x dh free postage ni aku pn rembat la...ape pice for these2 bags RM67 only...hahaha...actually x de la memerlukan sgt tp rase diri gedik plak nk ok lar...same cam dlm picas yg dorg letak kat blog dorg...takut la gak mane tau dpt kat aku laen plak rupe beg2 tu....ihihi....
nx week maybe will dpt my baju from jolene lg...tu plak dh brape...abis la duit raya ku....uuwaaa~~~tu yg kene pau my ayah....hahaha...nk servis kreta lg nih, nk bayar duit kueh raye plak lg...huhu....x pe la, pasni i'll try to slow down ckit...berehat dr m'beli...b'jaya kah???? same2 kite tgk nnt....tunggu~~~~kekekeke....
# Shopping @ Watsons lg~~
Weeehooo~~ shopping at Watsons lg....i like....aku ni kalo masuk watsons ni mmg x sah kalo x beli ape2..huhu...ade je bende menariks yg nmpk kat sane...2day aku g ngan mg fiance t'sayang la..sape lg...kekeke...tujuan??? nk beli shower gel je end up aku dh t'spend almost 100 hengget...huhu....cube tgk pjoto kat atas tu...tu la hasil rembatan pada harini...yg Garlic Oil tu pn mmg nk beli sbnrnye....kesihatan pn kene jage gak ma....t'lintas nk beli bende alah tu sbb that day dpt la email psl garlic ni yg bleh wat antibody kite kuat maklum la, skang kn H1N1 tgh m' better prevent than cure kn...huhu...
pastu yg Green Tea face mask tu aku igt nk amek 1 pack je...last2 tgk kalo beli 1 box cam lg jimat je...hehe...1 box ade 6 sheets...price abour RM27...ok la tu kn...kalo u all beli sekeping je,jimat la bebrape RM...aku kn pantang bende2 yg camni....hahahaha...Garnier Aqua Defense Moisturizer tu x b'niat pn nk beli mule2...saje2 la try tester yg dorg letak kat situ kn...ish, cam best plak...once u all apply terus resap dlm kulit..i think this product x b'minyak kot...coz die cam water, mmg cepat resap kat kulit...later aku dh pakai, aku review lg hoke....
so, ni la items yg aku b'jaye rembat ngan total amount below 100....SUCCESS!!!!
# Saye sangat SAYANG dia...
Sile menyampah ngan tajuk entry kali ni ek...hehe...baru prasan x pnh citer btul2 psl my love life kat cni kn...actually saje x mo citer b4 ni...sbb die x suke tunang ni sgt la low profile tu yg wat aku suke bangat ngan die...die x m'gelabah cam certain laki yg aku kenal...mmg cool je orgnye...lupe plak nk kenal name my tunang die AZFAR AIZAT aka ADAM...hahah....nk tau mane dtg adam tu...actually ramai kwn2 die kate muke die cam adam AF aku idak ler nampak pn muke adam kat die....huhu.....
we all kenal mase part 1 kat uitm dulu...kitorg 1 klas Titas time tu...skali gak mase Kesatria dulu...aku x pnh la plak prasan kewujudan die...smpi la ika, one of my bff bgtau ade org nk mintak my hp no...time tu pelik la plak, sape la mamat b'name Azfar ni...last2 tau la gak sape...rupe2nye kitorg pnh 1 matriks kat KMPP time tu mmg x kenal la...lgpun time tu aku still lg ngan my ex...die pn time tu ade ati kat org laen gak....seb baek x kenal time tu....hihi....kitorg kwn melalui sms je...couple pn dlm sms je...padahal x pnh jumpe btul2 pn ni...agaknye dh jodoh kot, so aku senang sgt blh trime die wlpn aku x kenal die btul2 pn lg time tu...hihihi....skang die dh pn jadi my tunang...kejap btul mase b'lalu...dh dekat 5 tahun aku b'cinta ngan dia ni...insyaAllah tahun depan bulan 2 kitorg akan disatukan plak....hehehe
rase syukur sgt ditemukan ngan die....ape yg special sgt die ni ek???hmmmm....x tau nk explain camne...for me die nie sgt2 penyabar ngan aku yg manje, kuat bebel, suke tukar2 mood ni...bukan senang tau nk cari org yg btul2 bleh trime kite camne pn...pastu aku sgt suke ngan care pemikiran die yg suke pandang ke depan...pandai plan utk mase depan die & kitorg nanti...aku rase kehidupan insyaAllah t'jage ngan die...
sepanjang dekat 5 tahun ni macam2 kitorg dh faced b'same...byk dugaan gak yg dtg dari anasir2 sume b'jaye kitorg settlekn...yg penting masing2 kene pk secare rasional...jgn ikut hati sgt...kalo ikut hati je mmg kitorg x kn b'tahan smpi skang....yg penting yakin ngan relationship & partner plak....kekekeke.....
hopefully semua b'jalan lancar smpi hari we all nikah nnt....elakkn dr bende2 yg x patut la sepanjang tempoh tunang kate byk dugaan dlm tempoh tunang so far, Alhamdulillah x de la dugaan yg btul2 berat kene kitorg face...lg aku rase maken hepi & bahgie ngan die ade la...dlm otak masing2 pn focus kat kawen je...bende2 laen tolak tepi...dh start ade rase tanggungjawab btul2 pn tgl 5 bulan lebih je lg...x lame dh tu....nervous dlm mase yg same excited gak...hahaha....

Saturday, September 12, 2009
# Aku sepasang cermin mata
Ini la nasib ku sebagai sebuah cermin sume budak kecik punye pasal....tengah tuan aku sedap tgk tv die dtg rampas, pastu skru aku t'cabut....jd la patah 2 camni...huhu....kini tuan aku t'pakse memakai cermin mata lame die yg dh nk t'cabut yg tu masih bleh dipakai lepas ditampal ngan selotep...huhu...
ntah bile la agaknye tuan aku nk betulkn aku ntah2 die akan tukar spec laen terus sbb die asyik bebel kate x nmpk sgt dah pakai aku....nmpknye aku kene pasrah la pasni...huhu....sume salah si budak kecik yg sangat nakal tu..kalo x, sure tuan aku still pakai aku lg....x pe la, ini la nasik aku sepasang cermin mata~~~(TT)
# Boss blanje buke @ KGPA
Ckitnye entry for dis month kn...huhu....byk je nk citer sbnrnye tp kemalasan plak nk menaip...huhu....2nd week of puase my boss suruh la aku arrange one buke puase kat mane2...ikut suke aku la kn...hahaha...finally aku chose KGPA yg indah t'sergam kat bukit kiara 1st my boss ade la gak suggest PJ Hilton tp mahal sgt lar...kang koyak plak poket die....hahaha....bayangkn 1 kpala 98 hengget...ish3....pembaziran btul....seb baek ade KGPA yg 1 kpala 46 hegget only...ok la tu kn..byk mknan kat, on thursday pn kitorg g la buke kat sane...
thanks to my boss yg sgt excited nk blanje we all makan....kdg2 t'pk kn, ade boss chinese lg pemurah dr boss time tu ade bengang gak ngan ade akak ni la...dh org nk blanje byk bunyik plak...nk tempat standard2 je...bile org x ajak mkn2 camni komplen kate budget sgt la ape...ish3.....x patut last2 join gak...hahaha...klakar je rase....tu la die...macam2 jenis org ade....neway mmg bleh tahan makan kat c2...everyday fully bokked mmg ramai...maybe sbb harge yg b'patutan...choices of food pn byk sgt...gud2...nx year aku singgah lg ek...hehehe...
Friday, September 11, 2009
# Lagu Korea yg Syiok~~
You Know I still Love You Baby.
And it will never change.
I want nobody nobody But You, I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo nigaanimyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Nan silheunde wae nar mir eonaeryeogohani jakku naemareun deutji anhgo
Wae ireohge dareun namjaege narbonaeryeo hani eotteohge ireoni
Nar wihae geureoh dan geumar
Neonbujok hadaneun geumar
Ijen geuman haeneon nareur aljanha wae won hajido anhneun georgang yohae
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Nan joheun de nan haengbok hande neoman isseu myeondwae deo baral geeopt neunde
Nugur mannaseo haengbok haran geoya nan neor tteonaseo haengbok harsueopseo
Nar wihae geureoh dan geumar
Neonbujok hadaneun geumar
Mari andoeneun mari ran georwae molla niga eopsi eotteohge haengbokhae
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silh eo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I don't want nobody body body.I don't want nobody body
Naneun jeongmar niga animyeon niga animyeon silhdan maryaa~
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
I want nobody nobody But You I want nobody nobody But You
Nandareun sarameun silheo niga animyeon silheo
I want nobody nobody nobody nobody
Back to the days when we were so young and wild and free
Modeunge neomuna kkumman gatatdeon geuttaero doragago sipeunde
Waejakku nareur mireo naeryeohae
Why do you push me away. I don't want nobody nobody
Nobody nobody but you.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
# Review: Elianto BB Cream
Ape itu BB Cream???? haa...meh cni nk citer....BB tu stands for Blemaish Balm...hehe...this is my 1st BB Cream...harge for this cream RM49.90 shj..actually Elianto ade 2 jenis BB for younger skin, another one for matured skin....yg aku beli ni utk younger skin la...harusla nk yg mude hoke....heheh....n tone yg aku amek ni Natural....alwayz chose Natural sbb rase plg sesuai pakai Natural....hehehe....BB Cream ni kirenye cam skin care+makeup base+foundation+sun block....amek ko....sume in 1...sbb tu la temptered sgt2 nk try....
photo atas ni texture BB Cream ni....ala2 liquid foundation la...lebih kurang je...hehehe....slaen Natural ade gak Fair & Medium...Fair tu kalo korg rase kulit u all ni cerah blh la...kalo medium tu ala2 sawo matang or hitam manis pn blh jer...hehe....
aisey...kat gambar x nmpk sgt ketara perbezaan with or w/o BB Cream nih...actually mmg x de la ketara sgt...mmg nmpk natural jer....suke2....sangat senang nk apply kat muke....trase licin jap dlm photo tu nmpk ckit kn beza...nmpk lg smooth kn kulit pas dah apply BB Cream ni....un all x payah dh apply any foundation pn dh ok..camni pn dh cukup...recommended utk those yg sentiase rushing memanjang...lgpun kulit jenis oily pn sesuai gak...cuz die bukan jenis cepat b' kalo u all dok lari pecut je mmg la akan b'minyak gak kn muke tu....kekkeke....
k la u all...sape2 yg nk try ni sila2 la m'ziarah mane2 branch Elianto yg t'dekat k...price sgt reasonable...rasenye pas abis ni mmg aku akan grab lg kat Elianto until jumpe BB Cream yg lg power...hehehe...

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